Piles laser treatment cost:Everything You Have To Know

Piles laser treatment cost You over the cost of laser treatment is understandable. But you shouldn’t let that deter you from pursuing it as an option for getting rid of your piles. In fact, most people don’t even know they can get it as a free and affordable treatment option.

Piles laser treatment cost

Piles is a condition where urine in the prostatic tissue becomes thick due to excess accumulation of uro-genital fluid. This causes the stimulation by the nerve endings which leads to irritation in the tissues.

The condition can be painful and embarrassing, but with proper care it does not affect your quality of life much. The cost will vary from person to person depending on several factors ,Piles laser treatment cost location and doctors charges . You should expect to pay around $500-$1000 per session of 3-4 sessions every other week .

Types of Laser Treatment for Piles

You have piles, Piles laser treatment cost There are many different types of laser treatment for piles. But they all work in a similar way. They are used to reduce the amount of fluid in your prostate and help relieve discomfort and inflammation.

1.Cryosurgery – This is a very short-term treatment that uses cryogenic temperatures to freeze the prostate and nearby tissue. It is done through ultra-sound or intraprostatic ultrasound. The ultrasound causes the liquid in the prostate and adjacent tissue to freeze, which stops the flow of urine and half the pain.

2.Heat – Heat therapy is used for longer-term treatment of chronic inflammation and pain associated with acute inflammation. This is done by targeting the nerves in the tissue, which reduces the pain.

3. Photocoagulation – Photocoagulation is a type of laser treatment that uses a high-intensity pulsed beam of light. The light targets the nerves, which reduces the pain.

4. Radiofrequency – Radiofrequency is another type of laser treatment that uses heat to destroy tissue.

How laser treatment for piles works?

In the case of laser treatment for piles, the laser is used to destroy the lining of your urethra. This is done to reduce the amount of fluid that gets into your prostate.

The laser creates an opening in your urethra through which the urine passes, causing the urethral tissues to heal. It is a quick and easy procedure that can be done in the doctor’s office. There are different types of lasers used for this treatment.

The type of laser used depends on the nature of your piles and the condition of your urethra. The laser destroys the urethral lining and the blood supply in the urethra.

This causes the lining to die, which makes it easy for the new lining to grow in. The laser treatment for piles works immediately. Within a day or two, you should start feeling the difference.

Types of lasers used for piles treatment

1. Infrared – This is a type of laser used in laser treatments for urinary tract infections. In this, the laser emits heat that kills bacteria and restores the flow of urine.

2. Intraprostatic – This is another type of laser used in laser treatments for piles. In this, a light is directed towards the prostate.

3.Epilator – This is another type of laser used in laser treatments for piles. In this, a light is focused on the area near the urethra.

4.CO2 – This is a type of laser used in laser treatments for piles. In this, a light is directed towards the rectum to heat it up. This causes the pain and swelling in the rectal area.

Safety precautions for laser treatment for piles

When you get laser treatment for your piles, you need to follow a few safety precautions to prevent complications. Follow these steps to stay safe during treatment:

1.Avoid getting laser treatment if you have an infection in your urinary tract. Infections are more likely to get worse while you are receiving treatment and may require antibiotics.

2. Avoid laser treatment if you have diabetes or high blood pressure since these conditions make your immune system weaker and more prone to complications.

3.Avoid laser treatment if you are taking certain medications such as steroids, antibiotics or birth control pills. You need to inform your doctor about these medications before you get laser treatment.

4.Avoid laser treatment if you are an adolescent. Teenage boys have a higher risk of complications from laser treatment.

5.Avoid laser treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

6.Avoid laser treatment if you are taking recreational drugs such as marijuana, LSD or ecstasy. These drugs can decrease blood flow to the penis, affecting the treatment results.

Pros of laser treatment for piles

– It is an easy procedure with few side effects. – There is almost no recovery time, you can go back to your normal activities right away.

– It is a safe and effective treatment that is highly recommended by doctors.

– It is an affordable treatment that can be done without going to a clinic.

– There is almost immediate relief. – There are very few complications.

Cons of laser treatment for piles

– It is an expensive treatment option.

– You need to visit the doctor at least twice a month. – It is only effective if you have an infection.

1.It is only effective if you have a healthy urethra.

2.It is not effective for those who want to get rid of their piles naturally.

3.It takes long time to get results.

4.People who have laser treatment for their piles experience addiction.

Final Words

Piles laser treatment cost,Piles is a condition that needs proper care and treatment. If you don’t get treated for it, it can become very serious and affect your quality of life. Piles can cause a lot of pain. It can also make you feel embarrassed and ashamed.

You should get it treated as soon as possible. There are several treatment options available. You can get it treated with medications, surgery or with the help of lasers.Piles laser treatment cost

Laser treatments work by opening the urethra. The laser destroys the lining of the urethra and makes an opening for the urine to come out. It is an effective treatment option that can be done at home.

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