Enhancing Education: The Best Scholarships for EdD and PhD Students

Enhancing Education: The Best Scholarships for EdD and PhD Students. Education is the key to success. But the journey to get there can be long and expensive. If you’re considering a doctoral degree in education (EdD or PhD), one of the primary barriers may be financial. Thankfully, you don’t have to take on this challenge alone. There are a number of scholarships available for doctoral students looking for ways to finance their education.

In this article, we’ll give you an overview of some of the best scholarships out there specifically tailored for EdD and PhD students in education-related fields. You’ll learn about eligibility requirements, how to apply, and how much you can expect from each award. And if you’re still searching for ways to cover your costs, we’ll provide some additional tips for finding and applying for other educational funding opportunities.

Understanding Doctoral Degrees in Education

If you’re looking to attain the highest level of education in the field of education, then you should explore what kind of doctoral degrees are available. In general, there are two: a Doctorate in Education (EdD) and a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD).

The EdD is designed for educational practitioners who want to develop as leaders in their field; it typically focuses on research and analysis of current educational issues. The PhD is a research-based degree designed to prepare graduates for academic and research positions along with other roles that involve research and analysis.

No matter which degree path you choose, both the EdD and PhD will require dedication, hard work, and passion. Moreover, they can be expensive. As such, it’s important to look into the various scholarship opportunities available for doctoral students in education.

Types of Scholarships Available for EdD and PhD Students

As a current or aspiring doctoral student in education, you may be wondering what types of scholarships are available to you. Fortunately, there are a variety of options available for both EdD and PhD students interested in continuing their education at the doctoral level.

The most common scholarships available to EdD and PhD students looking to enhance their education include:

  • Merit-Based Scholarships: These awards are typically given out to students who have demonstrated high academic achievement, leadership, and/or service in their undergraduate studies.
  • Need-Based Scholarships: These awards provide financial assistance to students who demonstrate need. These scholarships are often funded by colleges or universities, but can also be sponsored by external organizations such as corporations or foundations.
  • Fellowships: Fellowships are awarded to qualified students based on academic merit and often come with funding for tuition and living stipends. Fellows are typically required to complete research activities as part of their award.
  • Assistantships: Assistantships provide doctoral students with paid employment opportunities in exchange for teaching, research or administrative work. These positions can sometimes provide full tuition coverage or a stipend for living expenses as well.

These four options offer different benefits and requirements so be sure to research each one thoroughly when considering your options for funding your EdD or PhD program.

Five Top Scholarships for Doctoral Students in Education

As someone interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in education, you might be wondering what scholarships are available to you. Here are five of the best scholarships for doctoral students in education that you should consider applying for.

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers a range of scholarships and fellowships that provide financial support to students pursuing their PhD or EdD in any field related to education. This includes fields such as educational psychology, curriculum and instruction, mathematics education and more.

National Council of Exceptional Children

The National Council of Exceptional Children (NECC) offers three scholarships to support doctoral students who plan on making a career in special education, early intervention, or health care services. These include an Adult Scholarship, Graduate Scholarship, and an Undergraduate Scholarship.

Ronald McDonald House Charities/African-American Future Achievers Program

The Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC)/African-American Future Achievers Program provides up to 20 $1,000 scholarships for African-American students pursuing doctoral degrees in any education-related field.

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Program

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship Program provides awards for graduate students pursing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science and engineering fields related to education. Areas of research include science education, engineering education and others related research topics.

###Heinz Family Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grants

The Heinz Family Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Grants provide financial assistance to PhD or EdD graduate students who are pursuing research related to the US public school system or public school policy

Distinguishing Between Fellowships and Grants

When you’re looking for financial assistance for your doctoral studies, you may come across the terms “fellowships” and “grants”. It’s important to know the difference between these two types of scholarships each have their own set of requirements and funding amounts.


Fellowships are usually awarded to students on the basis of academic achievements and potential. They are often focused on a specific field or topic of study, so typically, applicants need to demonstrate a passion in order to be considered eligible. Fellowships also typically provide a stipend, so they can be used to offset the cost of tuition and living expenses as well.


Grants are need-based scholarships that may require applicants to prove financial hardship in order to demonstrate eligibility. They do not usually provide stipends for living expenses, but can be used for tuition fees and other costs associated with doctoral study.

When researching what scholarships might be available to you, it is essential that you understand whether they are fellowships or grants this will help you determine exactly what is covered with each scholarship, as well as make sure you are applying for the right type of financial aid for your doctoral program.

What to Look for When Searching for Scholarships

When searching for scholarships, there are a few things you should always keep in mind.

The purpose of the scholarship

First, determine the purpose of the scholarship. Some scholarships are open to all doctoral students (EdD and PhD). Others are restricted to specific student groups or disciplines. Make sure your qualifications match the criteria before applying.

Non-monetary rewards

The monetary value is important, but also look at what else the scholarship offers. Questions to ask include: Does it cover tuition fees? Does it cover research expenses? Is there access to other resources such as mentors or networking events? Are there possible career and networking opportunities that come with it? All these might be non-monetary rewards that could be just as valuable as the cash prize.

Deadline and application instructions

Finally, pay attention to the deadline and application instructions for each scholarship you’re considering. Some may require additional forms or paperwork, while others do not. But don’t forget to keep an eye on the deadline many scholarships have strict requirements when it comes to submitting applications on time.

Writing the Best Application for Doctoral Student Scholarships

Writing the best application for your doctoral student scholarships is an important part of securing the funds you need for your studies. Here are some tips for crafting a killer application that stands out:

Research, Research, Research!

Doing your research is key to finding and applying for the right scholarships. Take the time to read up on all the requirements so you know exactly what you’re working with and what’s expected of you.

Be Specific

Make sure you articulate why you deserve this scholarship, clearly explain your goals and what academic milestones you’ve achieved so far. Be sure to showcase any unique experiences or skills that make you stand out from other applicants.

Show Your Passion

Scholarships aren’t just about academics they’re about finding students who will carry through their dreams and bring them to life with passion and commitment. Show that emotion in your application by telling personal stories that highlight how much this scholarship means to you in a larger sense and what impact it will have on your future goals.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your application before submitting it! It’s the easiest yet most overlooked step in the scholarship application process but could be the difference between success and failure!


With the right funding, you’ll be able to focus on unlocking your potential, tackling the issues facing education, and ultimately make a real difference. There are a variety of scholarships out there for EdD and PhD students in education, from both private and public sources, and each of them can be a valuable resource for both tuition and research.

Finding the right scholarship for you is essential to ensure you have the financial support to pursue the doctoral degree you’re aiming for. It’s not an easy process–but with the right research and assistance, you’ll find the right opportunity to help you succeed in your educational journey.

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